How did I end up with a Blog?

Yesterday I paid the invoice for the hosting of this site and the domains that go with it. That’s what prompted me to finally complete that post on streaming services that I started writing back in February. It’s not expensive, but I guess some would see it as unusual for someone like me—just a normal bloke with nothing to sell or anything like that—to pay for a website when there are so many free options out there. Particularly when I’m not exactly a regular poster. It’s not like I’m writing a new entry every day or even every week. Read More …

Do You Remember A Time Before Streaming?

When you think about it, it’s remarkable quite how much the landscape for consuming media, be that video or music, has changed since Netflix first launched its streaming service. I still remember a time when in the UK we only had four television channels. Read More …

a Long Time in… Well, it’s just a long time, okay.

When you only write a blog as a hobby—a way of keeping yourself mentally alert and to some extent easing the burden of the daily grind by venting your frustrations or simply expressing yourself—then it can be difficult to choose what to write about. Particularly if, like this one, your blog isn’t focused on one particular thing. Read More …

When is a Re-shuffle not a Re-shuffle?

It’s fair to say that Alexander Johnson is having a tough time of it as Prime Minister right now. It’s the job he’s wanted all his life—well, the story goes that what he actually wanted to be was World King, but that isn’t a thing so Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland would have to do—and I suspect that the job isn’t quite all he’d hoped it would be. Read More …