a Long Time in… Well, it’s just a long time, okay.

When you only write a blog as a hobby—a way of keeping yourself mentally alert and to some extent easing the burden of the daily grind by venting your frustrations or simply expressing yourself—then it can be difficult to choose what to write about. Particularly if, like this one, your blog isn’t focused on one particular thing.

My last post was over three months ago—although I do have two drafts sitting in my list awaiting attention (i.e., I need to finish writing them)—and a hell of a lot has happened in those three months. So much so, it’s hard to know where to start. Globally, domestically, and even the world of football have all pretty much gone to shit.

I last posted on 18th February—a day when Storm Eunice battered the country, which was just after Strom Dudley had done its damage and just before Storm Franklin had a go.

I have to say, I like this whole naming storms business. It gives them personality.


Less than a week later, Russia invaded Ukraine and the world hasn’t felt safe since. It feels as if we’re all just waiting for NATO to finally decide Putin has gone too far and respond with force, thereby kicking off World War III.

Of course, I am a hell of a lot safer here in Britain waiting for the politicians to stuff it up than those poor folks over in Ukraine. The scenes we are seeing nightly on the news are harrowing and just something we never imagined we’d see in Europe ever again.

And that’s part of the reason it’s been so difficult for me to write about anything. There’s not really anything pleasant to write about and writing about unpleasant shit isn’t exactly good for one’s soul.

I just hope the world sorts itself out soon. My son started his GCSE exams this week, which means he’s that one step closer to being an adult. And it would be really nice if the world he’s going to have to be an adult in wasn’t shot to hell but power-crazed “world leaders”.

We can but hope.

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