Not a Single Fig Was Given

In the few spare moments I have these days, I’ve been looking back at a blog I wrote under my secret pseudonym and it strikes me that I’ve mellowed somewhat over the past five years or so.

Looking at posts from 2007/2008 there was a lot of comment on current events, much of it sounding like an ‘angry young man’ and wanting ‘something done about it’.

There was a post on Knife Crime, one on strange charges laid at criminals who should have been charged with worse, one on the malaise of the country and pleading for an election in 2008… it goes on. All sorts of topics. All of them making me sound like a reporter for the Daily Mail – Angry and Outraged etc, etc…

So what happened? Why do I now not seem to care so much? Why do I look at the state of our country, our football system, our politics, anything at all really, and instead of getting angry and demanding ‘something be done’, I just shrug my shoulders, accept that nothing will be done and get on with my life as best I can – looking after me and mine first and everyone else can worry about themselves.

Perhaps it’s because I now realise, with the wisdom of middle-age and parenthood, that nothing can be done (or will be done at any rate), and just have to get in with life as best you can. It’s all a bit sad really.

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