Then & Now

This is one of those Meme-things that goes around from time to time. Same set of questions, asked about yourself from various periods in the past. I found the questions (and answers at the time) in a blog post I made in 2007 on my Blogger site. Thought it might be nice to resurrect it.


20 Years Ago – January 1993

1.) How old were you? 18

2.) Where did you go to school? Sneyd Comprehensive School in Wolverhampton– I was in Year 13 by then, getting ready to sit my A-levels

3.) Where did you work? I didn’t, I was still at school.

4.) Where did you live? At home, with Mom & Dad, obviously.

5.) Where did you hang out? At School. Yeah, I know, it’s a bit sad really.

6.) Did you wear glasses? Yep, was still a couple of years off getting contact lenses.

7.) Who was(were) your best friend(s)? I guess that would be Paul and Nick. And Ste, of course.

8.) What car did you drive? I didn’t. Not yet.

9.) Had your heart broken? Sort of. I guess it felt like it at the time (1991) but looking back, was it really all that bad?

10.) Single/Taken/Married/Divorced/Bitter: Single – and probably a bit bitter because of it.


15 Years Ago – January 1998

1.) How old were you? 23

3.) Where did you work? At this point I was in my ill-fated appointment at Willenhall Comp. God, was that ever a mistake.

4.) Where did you live? Ashamed to admit that I’d moved back in with my parents after 4 years away.

5.) Where did you hang out? In my room, marking books and preparing lessons.

6.) Did you wear glasses? Sometimes. But lenses for the most part

7.) Who was your best friend(s)? That would have to be Sandrine – my future wife. Ahhhhh.

8.) What car did you drive? This is shameful, but I still didn’t drive – I rode everywhere on my bike. What a saddo.

9.) Had your heart broken? Yes, but I’d gotten over it by then.

10.) Single/Taken/Married/Divorced/Bitter: Taken.


10 Years Ago – January 2003

1.) How old were you? 28

3.) Where did you work? A Solicitors in Northamptonshire! Which is where I still am.

4.) Where did you live? My first home with Sandrine – a two bed semi.

5.) Where did you hang out? Didn’t really do much ‘hanging out’.

6.) Did you wear glasses? Yep. No corrective laser eye surgery for me.

8.) What car did you drive? I think I still had my old Rover at this point.


5 Years Ago – January 2008

1.) How old were you? 33

2.) Where did you work? Same Solicitors! Although this was the year I became a ‘manager’.

3.) Where did you live? Same little two-bed semi.

7.) What car did you drive? I still had my 306 Estate back then.

9.) Single/Taken/Married/Divorced/Bitter: Married for 3 and a half years with a just-turned-two year old son.


NOW – January 2013

1.) How old are you? 38 and feeling it.

2.) Where do you work? Yep, still here. Almost part of the furniture now.

3.) Where do you live? Moved to a new house in the same area two years ago.

7.) What car do you drive? 406 Saloon.

9.) Single/Taken/Married/Divorced/Bitter: Still married, and now have a little girl as well who’s coming up to her 1st birthday.

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